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Define your company's status before you start...

It’s crucial to define your company’s legal status before setting it up, as this can have a significant impact on many aspects of the business. Choosing the right legal status is essential to ensure the success and growth of your business, and to avoid potential legal, tax and administrative problems. ALF will provide you with legal advice before you make this important decision.

Which company status to choose?

In France, there are several types of company that can be set up according to the needs and characteristics of each business.

  1. Société à Responsabilité Limitée (SARL): This is a form of company in which partners’ liability is limited to the amount of their contributions. It is generally suitable for small and medium-sized businesses.
  2. Société par Actions Simplifiée (SAS) (simplified joint-stock company ): SAS is a flexible structure that gives shareholders considerable freedom to determine its operating rules. It can be used for companies of all sizes.
  3. Société Anonyme ( SA): The SA is a company whose capital is divided into shares. It is often used for large companies and can be listed on the stock exchange.
  4. Entreprise Individuelle à Responsabilité Limitée (EIRL ): This is a form of sole proprietorship in which the entrepreneur’s personal assets are separated from his or her business assets, offering a degree of protection in the event of financial difficulties.
  5. Micro-Entreprise (Auto-Entreprise): This simplified system allows individual entrepreneurs to benefit from a lighter tax and social security regime, with fewer administrative formalities. It is generally suitable for small independent businesses.
  6. Société en Nom Collectif (SNC ): In an SNC, the partners have unlimited joint and several liability for the company’s debts. This form of company is less common these days, due to the limitation of liability in other structures.
  7. Société en Commandite Simple (SC S): An SCS is made up of general partners (with unlimited liability) and limited partners (liable only for their contributions). It is less common than other types of company.
  8. Société Civile Professionnelle (SC P): This type of company is often used by the liberal professions (lawyers, doctors, etc.) to carry out their professional activities jointly.
  9. Société Coopérative et Participative (SCOP): A SCOP is a company owned and managed by its employees. It encourages participation and collective decision-making.

These different legal forms have advantages and disadvantages in terms of liability, tax treatment and formalities for setting up. It’s important to be well informed and to choose the status best suited to your business project.

Why is it worth setting up a company in France?

4 reasons to set up your company in France :

  1. Favorable economic environment: France offers an economic environment conducive to entrepreneurship, with a solid infrastructure, a large domestic market, a skilled workforce and proximity to other European Union countries. The country also offers various tax incentives and business support programs.
  2. Legal stability and asset protection: France has a well-established legal system and clear regulations for businesses. Intellectual property, commercial contracts and investor protection laws offer stability and asset protection for entrepreneurs.
  3. Access to a vast market: France is a member of the European Union, giving companies based here easy access to a market of over 500 million consumers within the EU. This offers numerous opportunities to develop business and increase growth potential.
  4. Prestige and international image: France is world-renowned for its cultural heritage, luxury goods industry, gastronomy, fashion and more. Establishing your company in France can reinforce your brand image and add a prestigious dimension, which can be beneficial for certain business sectors and facilitate international partnerships.

Who can set up a company in France?

Any individual or legal entity, whether of French or foreign nationality, can set up a company in France, whether as a sole trader, a startup, a small business or a large corporation, provided they comply with the legal requirements and formalities for doing so.

Why set up a company with African Legal Factory?

Setting up a company with African Legal Factory means benefiting from a complete, remote solution geared towards :

  1. Simplicity. Our support solution enables you to register your trademark 100% online, by completing a simple form in 2 minutes.
  2. Speed. Once we have received your application and the details of your company creation, we will physically deposit your application within 48 hours. You will then receive all the documents you need to keep track of the progress of your procedure.
  3. Tranquility. Our invaluable legal advice will help you choose the legal form best suited to your business, the conditions for setting up a company, the rules to follow when drawing up articles of association and carrying out formalities, and much more. Our lawyers will take care of completing the entire file and filing it on your behalf, so that you can concentrate on your business.
  4. Accessibility. We offer you support at a price affordable to entrepreneurs, because we believe that the law should be accessible to all.

What are the steps involved in setting up a company with ALF?


Setting up a company with ALF has never been easier.

Setting up a company in France at a glance!

  • Step 1: Complete the form below;
  • Step 2: The ALF team gets back to me with my quote;
  • Step 3: I pay my fees online ;
  • Step 4: ALF completes all the documents and submits my application to the authorities within 48 hours of receiving my complete application;
  • Step 5: ALF keeps me informed in real time of the various steps involved in setting up my company, right up to obtaining the registration certificate.


Request a quote and receive it in less than 48 hours!

  • How can I get a quote?
  1. Complete the form at the bottom of the page
  2. You will receive a questionnaire to complete
  3. Receive your quote in less than 48 hours

Q1: What types of company can be set up in France?
A: In France, the main types of company are SARL (Société à Responsabilité Limitée), SAS (Société par Actions Simplifiée), SA (Société Anonyme), sole proprietorship, SNC (Société en Nom Collectif) and SCA (Société en Commandite par Actions).

Q2: What are the key stages in setting up a company in France?
A: The steps involved in setting up a company in France include drafting the articles of association, choosing the company name, completing administrative formalities, opening a business bank account, registering with the Trade and Companies Register (RCS) and fulfilling other legal obligations.

Q3: What are the administrative formalities involved in setting up a company in France?
A: The main administrative procedures include drafting the company’s articles of association, publishing a legal announcement, applying for a company identification certificate, obtaining a SIREN number from INSEE, registering with the RCS and joining social security bodies.

Q4: What are the criteria for choosing the right legal form for my company?
A: The choice of legal form depends on a number of factors, such as the size of the company, the number of partners, the desired liability, business objectives and management requirements. It is advisable to consult a corporate law professional to determine the most appropriate form for your situation.

Q5: What are the costs involved in setting up a company in France?
A: The costs associated with setting up a company in France can vary depending on the legal form chosen, professional fees, registration fees, taxes and administrative costs. It is advisable to draw up a provisional budget to cover these expenses.

Q6: Are there any subsidies or tax incentives for new companies in France?
A: Yes, there are a number of tax incentives and support schemes in France, such as the auto-entrepreneur scheme, tax breaks for research and development, funding schemes for start-ups, tax credits, etc. These are just a few examples. We recommend that you contact the relevant organizations to find out about specific possibilities.

Q7: What are the legal and tax obligations to be met once the company has been set up?
A: Once the company has been set up, there are a number of legal and tax obligations to be met, such as keeping accounts, filing annual financial statements, declaring and paying taxes and social security contributions, completing periodic tax returns and so on. It is advisable to seek the assistance of a chartered accountant to ensure compliance with these obligations.


    Need help setting up your company in France?

    We can help you set up your company in France. Fill in this online form to be immediately contacted by our teams.

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